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When it comes to rubber stamps for bookkeeping and accounting tasks, a significant portion involves managing money flow. This includes processing invoices (outgoing and incoming), tracking payments, and allocating funds. Traditionally, much of this work was done manually. Streamline Your Workflow Read how Stamps Can Save Time and Money in Bookkeeping and Accounting. While computers now manage a large part of it, paper trails remain […]
Read about replacement date bands and how to order for 2023. You might be on the last year of your date stamp. Simply rotate that rubber stamp band on one year to check you have the next year on it. Date stamps come with four rotatable bands. Two for day of the month. One for the month of the year. And one for the year. […]
Legal stamps maker Self-inking Stamps NZ makes a wide variety of custom self-Inking stamp types. Legal stamps are required to mark important paperwork to last for many years. The rubber stamp mark must be readable on legal documents. These stamps save time. Most often a legal practice stamp is used by a certifying practitioner processing documentation for the purposes of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering […]
Well, it is that time of year again. No not that time! Time to check your dater stamps. What were you thinking? Please check your date stamps have the 2021 date band. Every year we like to bring to your attention to that it is time to check your Dater stamps. We buy these stamps and use them for years. But do we pay attention […]
You will find every single type of date stamps at Self-Inking Stamps! We have date stamps for only the date. Date stamps with Text only or Best Before date stamps. Also date received stamps, date emailed stamps, DIY date stamps, and plenty more. Make sure to check out our full date stamps range here. If you need date stamps with custom font or colour types […]
Best Before date stamp promotion and important news update. This month we have an important announcement for our customers. We can no longer offer the service of replacement of the date bands in the professional dater stamps. We used to have our supplier pull apart the stamps, replace the bands and send them back to us. However this service has been cancelled. Our main rubber stamp ink […]