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Best Before date stamp promotion and important news update. This month we have an important announcement for our customers. We can no longer offer the service of replacement of the date bands in the professional dater stamps. We used to have our supplier pull apart the stamps, replace the bands and send them back to us. However this service has been cancelled. Our main rubber stamp ink supplier is resuming supplies of some Noris rubber stamp inks. Which have been great for our customers with stamping needs for plastic surfaces etc.
We have fruit growers and food packing enterprises who use best before date stamps. The rubber stamp ink is Noris 119 FP plus the refresher Noris 191 REF. We are currently out of stock and expect our next delivery late November. Please let us know if you would like to place an order. We will get these Noris rubber stamp ink bottles in for you.
The ink for freezer bags we recommend is the Noris 119FP. An important tip for this ink is to keep it liquid and usable over time. To clean the stamp use the Noris 191 Refresher.
This Date Stamp has one line of text area available above the date for you to choose what to say.
Please contact us, if you have any questions regarding available variants or further product information. Stay up to date with our latest news and promotions on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+.