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Trodat Replacement Ink Pad Blue/Red 6/56/2


Replacement self-inking stamp ink pad
RED / BLUE ink, red in the centre with blue around the outside, for date stamps
this pad is for the Trodat 5204 Professional model
Also for Trodat 5206, Trodat 5460, Trodat 5460/L, Trodat 5117, Trodat 5558, Trodat 5558P/L, Trodat 5465
water based ink for copy paper, uncoated cardboard and porous surfaces.
from hundreds to thousands of stamp marks depending on the amount of ink delivered in each mark and what substrate is being marked.
ink stays liquid for years of use with special additives.
clean and easy change of ink pads, pop out the current pad, slide in this new one.
can be topped up at any time with a few drops Trodat 7011 stamp ink. You can find Trodat 7011 stamp ink on our stamp ink page.


  • Red date and Blue text for date stamps
  • Ink pad for 5460/5465 stamps
  • Clean impression, document quality
  • Precise inking prevents colours running
  • No drying out
  • Ink is completely non-toxic
  • Clean change of ink cartridge in no time at all
  • No re-inking. Simply replace the cartridge

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