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Outstanding ink colours in this Trodat 4928 self-inking stamp.
This extra colour stamp uses the other 11 colours form the multi-colour stamp range. No standard ink colours here.
Choose from one of the below colours. Make your mark really stand out with a different ink colour to usual.
This stamp has it all – good size and low price compared to other Trodat stamps smaller and larger than it.
It is part of the Trodat Printy range of self inking stamps.
Don’t worry about having to fill it all up we can put a really small image in there even just a full stop if you really want that. Or we can fill it right to the limits.
Think 58.8 x 31.8mm for your image as there is a bevel on the edge of your image so you can’t fill it up absolutely as the edges sometimes don’t work well then.
When the ink colour starts to fade in your stamp you have two choices.
The first choice is to replace the ink pad.
Contact us to get a new Extra colour ink pad.
Have a look at these instructions here to find out how to change the ink pad in the Trodat 4928.
Should you want your stamp to have one of the five standard colours of ink black, blue, red, green and violet use this Trodat 4928 here.
Yes you can using this Trodat 4928 MCI stamp which is a multi-colour stamp. Two or more colours can be used in this model.
Have a look at this page here call Rectangles and you will find the range of sizes larger or smaller than the Trodat 4928 to choose from. Smaller than this is the 4929 or 4913, larger will be the 4927.
We have made few up to buy like the Christmas stamps on this page.
Please recycle your stamps and re-use them with a new rubber die.
Follow this link to find the replacement rubber die for this stamp.
If your ink pad has a big dent in it it may pay to change the rubber die plus the ink pad.
Follow this link to find the replacement rubber die and ink pad for Trodat 4928.