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We’re delighted to award the September stamp of the month to Crazy Pixie Sweet shop! For this customers stamp design, we used the world’s largest rubber stamp. Rubber stamps with your business logo and contact information are perfect for personalising your marketing.
Crazy Pixie Sweet shop has a huge range of treats to please anyone who has a sweet tooth craving. Whether your favourite sweets are sherbet lemons, pear drops or chocolate from around the world, Crazy Pixie have it! This local business started out as an idea to replicate the childhood memories of visiting your corner sweet shop. Check out their website and Facebook page to see more!
This is the Trodat 5212, the biggest self-inking stamp in the world. While these are very large and a big investment, we have been selling quite a few since they arrived earlier this year. The client, Helen came to us to create a self-ink stamp which she could use for branding the paper bags she uses at the shop. Helen has a neighbour shop who has now contacted us looking for the same stamp type!
Talk to our team today about creating a customised self inking stamp for your business. To receive a free quote, complete the contact form below and attach a high resolution file (e.g. vector image or illustrator ai file) of your design and we’ll get in contact with you.
This October we have a 20% off special for the Trodat 5212 stamp. Take advantage of this promotion before it ends on the 31st October 2016.
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