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Customised office rubber stamp company – Self Inking-Stamps Ltd is based in Huapai, Auckland supplying New Zealand and the wider Pacific area. We are the only New Zealand Trodat multi-colour customised rubber stamps manufacturer, along with Shiny and traditional rubber stamps.
We had a phone call from a customer looking for help. They found a rubber stamp they decided would be the one for them. They needed our advice to ensure this rubber stamp was the right one. Their business is a production company working on a project for a video advertising campaign for one of their clients.
They needed a rubber stamp that really looked the part of an official sturdy stamp. It had to stamp the word approved on paper, in red ink. They also needed the rubber stamp really fast.
We asked questions to find out the exact needs of the client. Like what it needed to look like. How big it needed to be and what was to go on it. Did it need a border, what ink colour and font to be used. With that we pinpointed a different model from the professional range of Trodat stamps. That was just right for the image to be made on paper and look the part.
We showed our client where this product was in the website and the process to follow allowing them a fast credit card transaction. With the process being followed in the website they were able to receive their stamp quickly. We produced a proof sheet for our client to check to make sure the scale was just right. We sent that by email. This stamp was the Trodat 5205
Please contact us, if you have any questions regarding available variants or further product information. Stay up to date with our latest news and promotions on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+.