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We can now manufacture the Trodat 5212 multi-colour stamp. The Largest Office Rubber Stamp in multi-colour opens up some terrific opportunities with this amount of space. Great for shopping bags, brand awareness and warehousing. With these multi-colour pads we can also make them for a dater and double dater stamps at this size too.
With an imprint size of 116 x 70 mm the Professional 5212 is the perfect stamp for large imprints. Whether for large logos or tables, its size opens up many new text plate design opportunities. One of its main fields of application are tables. This is particularly advantageous in warehousing, quality assurance or accounting-related activities. The Professional 5212 is highly versatile, and thanks to its size and the already integrated ink pad it can replace large hand stamps that rely on hand stamp ink pads.
Just like all other Trodat Professional products the 5212 stamp is perfect for daily office use and ensures clean and precise imprints.
Please contact us, if you have any questions regarding available variants or further product information. Stay up to date with our latest news and promotions on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+.