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Trodat 4612 12mm round


Trodat 4612 has a round image area

  • image area up to 11.5mm
  • perfect for loyalty cards – check for gloss surface, read about it below
  • text and or images
  • Available in BLACK ink only
  • small and easy to carry
  • cap for end to keep clean in your pocket
  • as small as a lipstick tube
  • quick and easy to use self-inking stamp
  • Note – this stamp is smaller than your thumb nail. Complex logos will not work at this small size. Keep it simple.
Any combination of fonts are possible. Different sizes of font are possible. Using narrow fonts can fit more letters across a row if space is limited. If your business uses a particular font tell us what that is in the note box below.
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Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Add a file here. A vector image is perfect for us to use. PDF files are often great as it may be a vector, or a high resolution bitmap (pixels). JPEG and PNG files (pixels) under 300dpi may incur extra fee for conversion of low resolution images or screen shots. Low resolution images at 72dpi often are not capable of producing a quality stamp image. Send vector files like .ai, .cdr or .psd by email direct to for processing. Refer this order number on email.
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    Buy ANY 2 or more Self-Inking stamps at one time and get 10% off. Bulk discounts are available.
    Variable volume discount applies for the Trodat 4612 Buy 2 get 15% off Buy 3 get 18% Buy 4 get 22% off Buy 5-9 get 25% off Buy 10-19 get 30% off Buy 20-49 get 35% off


    The Trodat 4612 is the smallest of the self-inking stamps we stock. Made by Trodat of Austria.

    This is a great size to put in your pocket. As small as a lipstick tube.

    • Pick it up
    • Pull off the cap
    • Place over the area you want to stamp.  There is a viewing area to accurately locate the spot to mark.
    • Gently push down to mark and then press firmer once touching the surface
    • Release pressure and it pops back up.
    • Remove and place the cap back on.
    • Back in your pocket.

    Fast and clean on your fingers.

    Maximum image area is a 11.5mm round area. Both text and images are possible to put in here. Great to use for your initials or business name. Even logos can be put in here. However this is a tiny area. A complex logo is just too much for such a small area. Basic logos are more suited to this size of stamp.  No there is not space for a novel in here.

    How many stamps will I get from the Trodat 4612?

    The Trodat 4612 stamp is a self-inking stamp and has a replaceable ink pad for a long life. Generally these stamps will give from hundreds to a few thousand stampings from the first ink pad. At any time the ink pad can be topped up with a drop or two of Trodat 7011 ink. Even faster is have a spare ink pad and swap pads when you need a stronger image mark.

    What is this 4612 rubber stamp useful for?

    The number one purpose for these rubber stamps are for loyalty cards. A lot of cafes have customer loyalty cards which give away a free product after 10 visits. To keep track of how many visits a customer has made a loyalty card is marked each time. Then big excitement after marking with one of these stamps the tenth time a customer gets their free item.  This stamp is perfect for marking those loyalty cards. They can be personalized to the person marking, the business or the branch of the business. Images can be changed to reduce fraud. Different ink colours are available.

    These are great for teachers to mark paper to show they have seen it.

    Also useful for quality assurance work to mark the items indicating they have been inspected.

    Please check your loyalty card for gloss surface.

    If your loyalty card has a glossy surface the standard water based ink will smudge or smear off.

    This stamp is unsuitable for non porous surfaces.

    Are there different shapes available in this size?

    Any shape of image can be used in this stamp. It just has to fit within that 11.5mm circular area.

    However square models at this size are available.


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