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Graphic Design for a Stamp


Our preference in order of an image file type to work with would be:

  • Vector image, can be pdf – no charge
  • .cdr (CorelDraw) Vector image, – no charge
  • .ai (Adobe Illustrator) Vector image, – no charge


This product is for Graphic Design for a Stamp.

To make a stamp we get reliable results from when engraved then we need a vector image in black R:0,G:0, B:0, to engrave with.  If an image is not in this form we have to convert it.
To make the best stamp we have to have the best image in digital form to do anything.
The old adage “garbage in garbage out” is especially true for a stamp.
The image direct from the graphic designer is best.
If you can supply a vector image in say a CorelDRAW (.cdr), Adobe Illustrator(.ai) or vector image on pdf we can use that.
Any other image will need conversion and we charge to convert the image to be able to manufacture it.

We charge for the below:

  • .pdf very high resolution, say 300dpi or more (saving a low res jpeg to pdf is unsuitable)
  • Very high resolution (300 + dpi, more is better) jpg, gif or png file lastly.  (screen shot, word doc, email or internet images, usually 72dpi, have lower quality stamp images)
  • Make lines 0.2mm or thicker, lines thinner than 0.2mm are unreliable and progressively more so the thinner they get – sometimes they work depending on the image.
  • Make gaps in the image wider than 0.2mm to avoid ink bleed filling the area in
  • Broad areas of ink on paper will mottle depending on the applicators skill care and attention when applying the stamp
  • An image in RGB absolute black colour is great

All images are converted to scalable vector images in absolute black RGB colour to get accurate laser engraving of the rubber.

Choose to add this Graphic Design for a Stamp to your order initially or we can add it later for you.

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