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Save your self a lot of time when certifying documents. (If you need a likeness stamp click here)
Write your details for the three bottom rows in the “Write your Custom text here” box below.
Write your details for the three bottom rows in the “Write your Custom text here” box below.
Then choose your ink colour.
Everything else stays the same.
Note: If you wish to customise the main wording for your situation please use this model HERE.
This AML Certify Document Stamp is quick and easy to use.
So much faster than writing this over and over again. Then you can sign next to this stamp mark on the paperwork.
The Trodat 4931 stamp is nice and small and can easy sit on your desk without hogging space. It is also small enough to travel with you to see clients.
From 30 June 2013 when the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 came into force these type of stamps became very useful for managing your time. Oh and saving your writing hand from cramp.
One thing to note is there is no absolute rule on the wording lawyers should use when certifying documentation. However this wording is the “THE” most requested wording we receive here at Self-Inking Stamps.
These stamps are regularly used by people in law firms, accountancy, finance and schools. A great office stamp. Another use is to be one of the Justice of the Peace stamps or JP stamps.
Yes you can we have a section of legal or JP stamps available.
Click HERE to see other legal stamps.
or click HERE for JP stamps.
Also available are AML stamps which be of interest to you for certifying documents.
There are also certifying stamps as well for smaller spaces.
If you would like to make custom stamps for your specific purpose Self-Inking Stamp specialise in custom made rubber stamps.
Use our contact form below to inquire.
If you have any images to show us what you would like then email us direct at and we will reply the next working day generally.
This certify copy of a document stamp is very quick to make. Order in the morning and it can ship in the afternoon.
The stamp are sent via courier on next working day delivery.
For a custom made stamp where you would like to check the detail on a stamp before manufacture this takes a little longer.
Generally it takes:
It can be a short as 2 days only for your personalised stamp.