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Date stamps are popular this week!

This was the week for date stamps apparently, WOW this was the activity centre for rubber stamps.

Everyone had a query about their date stamp requirements.  From the smallest date stamp the Trodat 4810 right through to the largest Trodat 54110 as an affidavit type stamp we had it all.trodat 4810 dater stamp


Once we can ask a few questions we can usually guide someone to a stamp that is going to suit them.


There are a lot of different date date stamps for all sorts of different purposes.

We have a great selection on this page here Daters or Date stamp.  You might like to have a browse and find one that suits you.


Best Before Date Stamp.t4850

We had food manufacturers looking for a best before date stamp.

Date stamps suited to this purpose are one like the Trodat 4813 with the words to the left of the date.  The Trodat 4850 stamp has the words above the date.  Both of these are quite small stamps as this is usually a big constraint on this purpose.


Received Date Stamp

Then there were office people trying to streamline their paper work with a received date stamp.  They could then give their paper work the date received stamp and move it on.

Date text stamps showed up too.

Auckland stamps were legal stamps trying to fit witness or affidavit wording into a large trodat stamp which was text and date stamp.  Oh yeah there was a request for help from Hamilton on the same topic too.

We suggested a couple of options that were good for lawyer stamps with room for text and a hand written area along with the date using the Trodat 4727.  Even the Trodat 4729 got in on the action too for peronalised date stamps.


One unusual but handy date stamp that didn’t get a mention was the Trodat typo Dater 4755.  With the ability to change the wording or numbers on this stamp plus the date this typo or diy model is great for best before situations and batch numbers that change.  Easy – just change the characters on the text plate with the tweezers that come with the set and away you go.


Oh actually there was a range of hand stamps in the date line that didn’t get a mention and that was the Trodat Classic range.  Old style stamps that dial up like any date stamp but have the ink pad separate, stamp into the ink pad and then onto the paper.   The really tiny ones are great for small spaces to get into or around the outside of a curved object.


Don’t forget the Shiny Date stamp.s826d received

There were a couple of those Received Shiny S826D Daters off to a company for their people to use.


See what I mean.  Wow that was alot of different models going out the door this week.


So what is up next week then?

Maybe stamps Hamilton or something like that?

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