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Custom Stamps NZ very easy to order online 24/7 and best price and service

Custom Stamps for your business or home office. Our Self-inking Stamps online shop is the number one website for Custom Stamps NZ. Self-Inking Stamps Ltd is your “one-stop-shop” to order individually personalised Trodat and Shiny self-inking stamps.

custom stamps nz

We Provide Custom Stamps NZ Wide

Self Inking Stamps Ltd is based in Huapai, Auckland. We supply of of New Zealand and the wider Pacific region. We are the only New Zealand Trodat multi-colour customized rubber stamps manufacturer, along with Shiny and traditional rubber stamps.

graedon testimonial

From just one to hundreds of individually crafted self inking stamps. Order now to be stamping with your new rubber stamp in 3 days on average. No charge for proof of your stamp. 10% discount for buying 2 or more self-inking stamps in one order.

Create a great individual impression that sets you apart from the opposition with these Stars of the Rubber Stamp World!

  • Select colours from our range of 16 inks
  • Emphasise your corporate identity
  • Save with our cost-effective replaceable ink pads

With Multi Coloured Self Inking Stamps

trodat stamps custom stamps nz

  • Multi coloured self inking stamps must have a minimum of 2.5mm between each colour
  • Any one colour must be at least 7x7mm

We have a huge range of Ink Stamps available on our Website

Trodat Custom Stamps NZ are made by the an Austrian company. Trodat produce world leading self-inking stamps. Trodat stamps allow for consistently clean and beautiful impressions. Operating since 1912 the company now operates throughout the world, and Self Inking Stamps is proud to make these products available in New Zealand.

Shiny Custom Stamps NZ are made by a Chinese company. Shiny stamps are a high-quality affordable stamp produced in China. Providing excellent impressions and easy operations Shiny is a leader in the rubber stamp manufacturing industry.

Send Your Ink Stamp Designs To Our Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Question. How long will it take to make my rubber stamp?

  • On average 3 working days from inquiry to stamping.

Question. Does a hand stamp take the same time as a self inking stamp?

  • Generally yes they do, but sometimes testing the stamps reveals a detail we are not happy to let you have and the cycle is repeated to get it just right. Sometimes the glue on the handle has not set enough for testing and packaging.

Question. What is the process in making my stamps?

  • There are a few steps involved – the proof, manufacture and payment, shipping.
  • The Proof – all stamps have a proof made and sent to you which must be approved before we make them.
  • To read our full explanation visit

Get in touch for more information

buy customized rubber stamps buy customized rubber stamps multi coloured stamps



Contact Self Inking Stamps For any Enquires

Have any questions about our self inking rubber stamps or our customisation options? Give us a call at 09 412 9381 or send us an email at or use our online contact form below. Follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter, and Google+ to receive our latest news and promotions.

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