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Learn about Laser Engraved Marquetry Wood Veneer Inlay

Explaining what our laser machine can do and the materials it can process is helpful for our clients. Last month I was asked about laser engraved marquetry. We often get asked can your laser machine do this or that? More than often we reply, with yes.

Sometimes no. Or we can suggest a different laser engraving machine for marking metals and we will refer to another trusted company we know is a reliable laser engraver.

So, a bit of time surfing the net and observing what manufacturers of the machine are showing you how to produce products for your clients can be helpful.

Watch this Laser Engraved Marquetry Video by Laser Dan

Laser Dave as he introduces himself from Trotec USA produced a fascinating laser engraved marquetry wood veneer inlay method that I considered simply astounding.

It is in that realm of “oh really” that could look really outstanding. The internet can have amazing things, and too much is not real. It really needs to be quantified. So, I thought I have to have a go at this because if this is replicable some really beautiful work could be achieved with this technique with our laser machine.

Laser Engraved Marquetry Examples You Will Love!

laser engraved marquetry

Over the millennia craftsmen have created techniques for high end trinkets and furniture using pieces of different species of timber showing different colours and grains. With these techniques they create stunning pieces of art. These skills involved and time to do such pieces are very time consuming. Each piece has a huge investment of time and skill.

Some of these techniques where you carve into wood and then fill it with another wood have a few terms like:

  • Marquetry
  • Parquetry
  • Intarsia
  • Certosina

After seeing this technique demonstrated it just seemed so obvious that the laser engraving machine was the perfect tool to perform extremely intricate detail.

For some time now a laser has been used to cut artificial Pāua here in New Zealand and then inlay into wood. We have performed this technique for customers and the effect can be quite stunning.

Usually these pieces are small, but not too small, and individually held and placed into the corresponding socket. Usually, they are just a highlight somewhere in the item. Regularly for a chopping board style of thing. The laser engraving machine can cut ANY shape. Plus, the required socket to fit. And fit tightly.

However, for laser engraved marquetry wood which would involve hundreds of little pieces all with different shapes only lovers of this sort of work would perform such a thing. Like an intense jigsaw puzzle.

However, this all changes with this new technique. Being able to make and hold each and every tiny piece in perfect placement as a single item is a game changer.

laser engraved marquetry

Eventually I sourced some natural wood veneers in various colours. They were hard to find.

Okay that is all very well but what would I make with this material? Wow head explosion. Anything could be done. How about something small to test first like a coaster. A marquetry New Zealand themed coaster.

laser engraved marquetry

I had been working on a Christmas bauble design for a while testing and refining it so it could be laser cut. A New Zealand Christmas bauble. I had then progressed and thought oh make it as a stencil and use the spray for snow of Christmas trees to mark our windows for Christmas.

Now that had to be large, so the design is 400mm in diameter.

That was the perfect style of image required for the marquetry. Stencils and marquetry are so similar. But when scaled down to a coaster size the details are infinitely small. Surely this technique cannot do that?

laser engraved marquetry

Okay test it.

In testing laser production, we have to change many variables to get the final outcome of a cutting or an engraving correct. Plus, there are two materials involved, the backing wood and the veneer inlay. I over cooked the veneer a few times and had some very black toasty pieces. Got it in the end.

Normally a project test run like this has a few fails before you get it right. That was my expectation.

The two test pieces were okay I thought. Time to glue them up. Then the anticipation of waiting for the glue to dry was immense.

Time was up! No, it was still a bit early I just could not wait and hoped I did not destroy it in the removal of the foil.

And there it was. Surprisingly good. I could not see it all as the veneer had not fully engraved away enough.

Next was out with the sanding machine and give it a good sand down.


laser engraved marquetry

This was so close to perfect inlay on the first try. I do not like using the word perfect. That is just not really achievable. But this is in that realm it is so outstandingly good.

Such fine detail was achieved. No big gaps in filled with the glue. No faults. On the first attempt!

laser engraved marquetry

To really bring it to life a couple of spray coats of a clear finish just highlighted the beautiful timbers used.

We will definitely be using this technique of laser engraving marquetry for products in the future.

laser engraved marquetry

It does take quite some time to make products this way and small items like marquetry coasters are a perfect fit. Small interior marquetry signs, marquetry wall art, marquetry jewellery boxes, marquetry trophy plaques, marquetry coat of arms the list goes on.

If you are looking for something special, one of those high-end marquetry pieces, and have a great image in mind then this technique is possible to deliver a stunning result. Get in contact and we can see if we can help with your project.

Enquire about laser engraved marquetry

Contact our Master Laser Engraver Trent, to bring your ideas to life. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your laser engraving project exceeds expectations. Stay up to date with our latest news and promotions on FacebookLinkedInTwitterGoogle and Instagram

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