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Trodat 46045 45mm round


This stamp is now out of stock and has been replaced by the Trodat 4645 45mm round stamp.

Out of stock


This Trodat 46045 45mm round stamp now seperseded by the Trodat 4645.

Get your round seal design on a stamp.  This one is big enough to have a bit of detail in there.

Remember to keep your characters above 7 point for optimum clarity.  Also thickness of lines 0.2mm or wider and gaps between ink areas of 0.2mm as well will result in better looking stamps.

Yes you can have an image in the stamp just send it to us as a vector image or pdf in the “Add a file here” box.

Yes we can include many languages in the round seal design. As long as we get the text required typed, not an image, then usually our design programme can copy and paste that text.  It may mean you will have to email that separately but try the “Write your Custom text here” box first.

  • Plate size: 45mm (round) Max text area 43.8mm
  • Replacement pad for this Trodat 46045 is 6/46045 in black, blue, green, red, violet and dry
  • Climate-neutral as standard
  • Clean, intuitive ink cartridge change without touching the ink – for clean fingers
  • Incredibly small and light with pleasant, secure stamp grip
  • Positioning window allows accurate imprint positioning

These Trodat 46045 self-inking stamps are regularly used for a  custom made company or society “Common Seal”. They regularly have the words “The Common Seal of” in the centre with a circle around it.  Then curving around that the name of the company or society.  For societies the society name and number must be on the seal.


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