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Plus BB Automatic Numberer 5.0mm – 0,1,2,3 actions


Fully automatic Numberer stamp.

  • Character size: 4.8mm
  • Number of wheels: 5 which means a five digit number maximum at 99999
  • Actions: 0, 1, 2, 3 This means the number will change after stamping automatically either not at all or after 1, 2 or 3 pushes
  • the stamp can be zeroed again by manually rotating the wheels
  • Replacement pad: PPBB  this pad has no ink use the bottle with the stamp or Noris 210
  • Comes with black ink bottle for metal stamp
  • Noris 210 oil based ink can be used in this type of metal wheel stamp.

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High quality self-inking automatic numberer stamp Plus BB.

This automatic self-inking numberer stamp automatically turns to the next number on each press.

Heavy duty all steel construction.

You can set how many times it is stamped before turning to the next number.  The Actions is the type of setting for how many times it is pressed before turning to the next number.

  • Replacement pad: PPBB
  • These self-inking automatic numberer stamps have all metal construction for durability.
  • For re-inking, use only oil-based metal stamp ink (e.g. Noris #210) to prevent rusting of the wheels and for smooth operation

Number of wheels means the number of individual numbers are stamped in a row.

  • Character size: 4.8mm
  • Number of wheels: 5 which means a five digit number maximum at 99999
  • Actions: 0, 1, 2, 3 This means the number will change after stamping automatically either not all or after 1, 2 or 3 pushes
  • Replacement pad: PPBB
  • Comes with black ink bottle for metal stamp

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